Tag Archives: 寶蓮花善住娑羅樹王佛

Confession of Downfalls to the Thirty-Five Buddhas

To increase the benefit of each prostration, first prostrate three times while reciting:

Om Namo Manjushriye

Namo Sushriye

Namo Uttama Shriye Soha


I, (say your name) throughout all times, take refuge in the Gurus;

I take refuge in the Buddhas;

I take refuge in the Dharma;

I take refuge in the Sangha.

Continue to prostrate while reciting the names of the Buddhas and the confession prayer.

Each of the Buddha’s names starts out with “To the One Thus Gone.” That’s “de zhin sheg pa” in Tibetan or “tathagata” in Sanskrit. “The One Thus Gone” means the one who has crossed over from samsara to enlightenment.

It is the recitation of the name of each buddha that brings the purification, so there is a big difference when you recite just a few times or many. Even if you do the recitation by listening to a CD or tape, still recite the name yourself as much as you can. 


To the Founder, the Transcendent Destroyer, the One Thus Gone, the Foe Destroyer, the Fully Enlightened One, the Glorious Conqueror from the Shakyas



To the One Thus Gone, the Great Destroyer, Destroying with Vajra Essence

南無金剛不壞佛, 位於佛陀的上方,其身黃色,雙手結說法印,身穿比丘三衣,現梵行出家相,具足三十二種妙相,八十種隨好,端坐於蓮花月輪寶座上( 諸佛的身相除顏色與手印不同,余均與釋迦牟尼佛相同 ).   持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,一萬劫的罪業。


To the One Thus Gone, the Jewel Radiating Light

南無寶光佛, 位於佛陀的東方,東方即佛陀的前方,其身紅色,雙手結定印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,三萬劫的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the King with Power over the Nagas

南無龍尊王佛, 位於佛陀的東南方,面頸白色,身臂藍色,雙手結說法印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,八劫的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Leader of the Warriors

南無精進軍佛, 位於佛陀的南方,其身黃色,右手施護印,左手於胸前作說法印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中一切口業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Glorious Blissful One

南無精進喜佛, 位於佛陀的西南方,其身黃色,雙手結說法印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中一切意業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Jewel Fire

南無寶火佛, 位於佛陀的西方,其身紅色,右手觸地印,左手定印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,盜取三寶物的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Jewel Moonlight

南無寶月光佛, 位於佛陀的西北方,其身白色,右手觸地印,左手定印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,一劫的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, Whose Pure Vision Brings Accomplishments

南無現無愚佛, 位於佛陀的北方,其身綠色,右手於胸前,作無畏印,左手定印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,宣說四聖眾過失的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Jewel Moon

南無寶月佛, 位於佛陀的東北方,其身白色,雙手結說法印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,弒母(五無間罪之一)的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Stainless One

南無無垢佛, 位於佛陀的下方,其身藍色,雙手結定印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,弒父(五無間罪之一)的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Glorious Giver

南無勇施佛, 位於佛陀的上方,其身黃色,雙手上下結說法印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,弒阿羅漢(五無間罪之一)的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Pure One

南無清淨佛, 位於佛陀的東方,其身黃色,右手觸地印,左手定印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,破和合僧(五無間罪之一)的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Bestower of Purity

南無清淨施佛, 位於佛陀的東南方,其身紅黃色,雙手結說法印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,出佛身血(五無間罪之一)的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Celestial Waters

南無娑留那, 位於佛陀的南方,其身白色,雙手結定印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,擯棄,驅逐阿羅漢的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Deity of the Celestial Waters

南無水天佛, 位於佛陀的西南方,其身白色,雙手結說法印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,弒菩薩的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Glorious Good

南無堅德佛, 位於佛陀的西方,其身黃色,右手施護印,左手說法印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,弒阿阇梨或師長的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Glorious Sandalwood

南無旃檀功德佛, 位於佛陀的西北方,其身藍色,右手觸地印,左手定印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,阻止齋僧的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the One of Unlimited Splendour

南無無量掬光佛, 位於佛陀的北方,其身紅色,雙手結說法印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,毀壞塔寺的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Glorious Light

南無光德佛, 位於佛陀的東北方,其身藍色,雙手上下結說法印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,一切瞋業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Glorious One without Sorrow

南無無憂德佛, 位於佛陀的下方,其身淺紅色,雙手結定印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,一切貪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Son of the Desireless One

南無那羅延佛, 位於佛陀的上方,其身黃色,雙手上下結說法印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,一萬劫的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Glorious Flower

南無功德華佛, 位於佛陀的東方,其身黃色,右手拇指與食指相捻,置於右膝,左手作說法印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,十萬劫的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, Who Understands Reality Enjoying the Radiant Light of Purity

南無清淨光遊戲神通佛, 位於佛陀的東南方,其身黃色,右手觸地印,左手定印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,一千劫的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, Who Understands Reality Enjoying the Radiant Light of the Lotus

南無蓮華光遊戲神通佛, 位於佛陀的南方,其身紅色,右手觸地印,左手定印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,七劫的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Glorious Gem

南無財功德佛, 位於佛陀的西南方,其身藍色,雙手結定印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,由煩惱習氣所造作的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Glorious One who is Mindful

南無德念佛, 位於佛陀的西方,其身黃色,雙手結定印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,一切身業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Glorious One whose Name is Extremely Renowned

南無善名稱功德佛, 位於佛陀的西北方,其身白色,右手於胸前作說法印,左手定印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,對於佛出世不歡喜所造作的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the King Holding the Banner of Victory over the Senses

南無紅炎幢王佛, 位於佛陀的北方,其身藍色,右手持寶幢置於左肩,左手定印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,由嫉妒心所做的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Glorious One who Subdues Everything Completely

南無善遊步功德佛, 位於佛陀的東北方,其身藍色,右手持劍當胸,左手定印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,教唆他人造作惡業的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Victorious One in All Battles

南無闘戰勝佛, 位於佛陀的下方,其身藍色,雙手持盔甲置於胸前,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,由傲慢所造作的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Glorious One Gone to Perfect Self-control

南無善遊步佛, 位於佛陀的東方,其身藍色,右手觸地印,左手定印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,由兩舌(挑撥離間)所造作的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Glorious One who Enhances and Illuminates Completely

南無周匝莊嚴功德佛, 位於佛陀的南方,其身紅黃色,右手施護印,左手說法印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,隨喜他人不善的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Jewel Lotus who Subdues All

南無寶華遊步佛, 位於佛陀的西方,其身紅黃色,右手施護印,左手說法印,持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,毀謗佛法的罪業.


To the One Thus Gone, the Foe Destroyer, the Fully Enlightened One, the King with Power over Mount Meru, always remaining in the Jewel and the Lotus

南無寶蓮華善住娑羅樹王佛, 位於佛陀的北方,其身黃色,雙手結定印,上托妙高山 (須彌山),持誦佛號的功德,能消過去生中,毀謗上師與違犯三昧耶戒(誓願)的罪業.


 The prayer that follows the Buddhas’ names is called the Prayer of the Three Heaps because it has three parts. The first part is confession, the second is rejoicing, and the third is dedication.

All you 35 Buddhas, and all the others, those thus gone, foe destroyers, fully enlightened ones and transcendent destroyers who are existing, sustaining and living throughout the ten directions of sentient beings’ worlds –  All you Buddhas, please give me your attention.

In this life, and throughout beginningless lives in all the realms of samsara, I have created, caused others to create, and rejoiced at the creation of negative karmas such as misusing offerings to holy objects, misusing offerings to the Sangha, stealing the possessions of the Sangha of the ten directions; I have caused others to create these negative actions and rejoiced at their creation.

I have created the five heinous actions, caused others to create them and rejoiced at their creation. I have committed the ten non-virtuous actions, involved others in them, and rejoiced in their involvement.

Being obscured by all this karma, I have created the cause for myself and other sentient beings to be reborn in the hells, as animals, as hungry ghosts, in irreligious places, amongst barbarians, as long-lived gods, with imperfect senses, holding wrong views, and being displeased with the presence of a Buddha.

Now before these Buddhas, transcendent destroyers who have become transcendental wisdom, who have become the compassionate eye, who have become witnesses, who have become valid and see with their omniscient minds, I am confessing and accepting all these actions as negative. I will not conceal or hide them, and from now on, I will refrain from committing these negative actions.


Buddhas and Transcendent Destroyers, please give me your attention: In this life and throughout beginningless lives in all the realms of samsara, whatever root of virtue I have created through even the smallest acts of charity such as giving one mouthful of food to a being born as an animal, whatever root of virtue I have created by keeping pure ethics, whatever root of virtue I have created by abiding in pure conduct, whatever root of virtue I have created by fully ripening sentient beings’ minds, whatever root of virtue I have created by generating bodhicitta, whatever root of virtue I have created of the highest transcendental wisdom.

Bringing together all these merits of both myself and others, I now dedicate them to the highest of which there is no higher, to that even above the highest, to the highest of the high, to the higher of the high. Thus I dedicate them completely to the highest, fully accomplished enlightenment.

Just as the Buddhas and transcendent destroyers of the past have dedicated, just as the Buddhas and transcendent destroyers of the future will dedicate, and just as the Buddhas and transcendent destroyers of the present are dedicating, in the same way I make this dedication.


I confess all my negative actions separately and rejoice in all merits. I implore all the Buddhas to grant my request that I may realize the ultimate, sublime, highest transcendental wisdom.

To the sublime kings of the human beings living now, to those of the past, and to those who have yet to appear, to all those whose knowledge is as vast as an infinite ocean, I go for refuge. “